96 min/Norway/India/Denmark/2012
Enter the badlands of Bundelkhand in central India and you have entered a place of desolation, dust and despair. And yet it is hope that this film discovers, as it follows the Gulabi Gang, an unusual group of rural women. Led by the energetic and charismatic Sampat Pal, they travel long distances to fight for the rights of women and Dalits. They encounter resistance, apathy and corruption, even ridicule. Sometimes whole villages connive against them to protect the perpetrators of violence. The film pulls us into the centre of these blazing conflicts and uncovers a complex story, disturbing yet heartening.
Director: Nishtha Jain
Writing/Research: Nishtha Jain, Torstein Grude, Smriti Nevatia
Cinematography: Rakesh Haridas
Location Sound: Niraj Gera
Assistant Director: Aditya Kelgaonkar
Line Producer: Neelima Goel
Editor: Arjun Gourisaria
Sound Design: Peter Schultz
Producer: Tortsien Grude (Piraya Film, Norway)
Co-Producers: Nishtha Jain (Raintree Films, India); Signe Sorenson (Final Cut for Real, Denmark)
Distributor: Bjarte Morner Tviet (Kudosfamily Film, Norway)
Gulabi Gang was released in theatres in Norway in 2013, where it played for the entire year.
In India, it was released by Sohum Shah (Recyclewala Films) and had limited theatrical release in Indian Metros.
The film gained critical acclaim, including two national awards.
The film has been screened at over 60 film festivals and international universities including Stanford, NYU, Wellesley, UCSB, NW University, UT Austin, Texas A&M, North Carolina, University of London, Cambridge, St. Andrews, Queens Belfast, Coventry, Heidelberg, Danish Film School, FTII Pune, SRFTI, Kolkata, MCRC Delhi, JNU Delhi.
Broadcast on NRK, SVT, YLE, World TV
Norwegian Press on the Theatrical Release of GULABI GANG in January 2013
“ Year's strongest Norwegian documentary” –Shabana Garder Rehman. P4 (âœâœâœâœâœ)
“ Brutal yet beautiful” – Bergens Tidende, Norway (âœâœâœâœâœ)
" Gulabi Gang is one of the strongest Norwegian documentary films you will see at the cinema, an important document which also has a natural place in the centenary of women's suffrage." – Cinema (âœâœâœâœâœ)
“ Honest, unsentimental, enlightening and very strong” – Fædrelandsvennen, Norway (âœâœâœâœâœ)
“ Makes a very strong impression” – Fredriksstad Sheet, Norway (âœâœâœâœâœ)
“ Unsentimental and hard-hitting” – Northern Lights (âœâœâœâœâœ)
“ This shocking and delectable documentary deserves a wide audience”
– Stavanger Aftenblad (âœâœâœâœâœ)
Norwegian Press on the Theatrical Release of GULABI GANG in January 2013
“ Year's strongest Norwegian documentary” –Shabana Garder Rehman. P4 (âœâœâœâœâœ)
“ Brutal yet beautiful” – Bergens Tidende, Norway (âœâœâœâœâœ)
" Gulabi Gang is one of the strongest Norwegian documentary films you will see at the cinema, an important document which also has a natural place in the centenary of women's suffrage." – Cinema (âœâœâœâœâœ)
“ Honest, unsentimental, enlightening and very strong” – Fædrelandsvennen, Norway (âœâœâœâœâœ)
“ Makes a very strong impression” – Fredriksstad Sheet, Norway (âœâœâœâœâœ)
“ Unsentimental and hard-hitting” – Northern Lights (âœâœâœâœâœ)
“ This shocking and delectable documentary deserves a wide audience”
– Stavanger Aftenblad (âœâœâœâœâœ)
Norwegian Press on the Theatrical Release of GULABI GANG in January 2013
“ Year's strongest Norwegian documentary” –Shabana Garder Rehman. P4 (âœâœâœâœâœ)
“ Brutal yet beautiful” – Bergens Tidende, Norway (âœâœâœâœâœ)
" Gulabi Gang is one of the strongest Norwegian documentary films you will see at the cinema, an important document which also has a natural place in the centenary of women's suffrage." – Cinema (âœâœâœâœâœ)
“ Honest, unsentimental, enlightening and very strong” – Fædrelandsvennen, Norway (âœâœâœâœâœ)
“ Makes a very strong impression” – Fredriksstad Sheet, Norway (âœâœâœâœâœ)
“ Unsentimental and hard-hitting” – Northern Lights (âœâœâœâœâœ)
“ This shocking and delectable documentary deserves a wide audience”
– Stavanger Aftenblad (âœâœâœâœâœ)